Saturday 27 April 2013

NAPFA test

For my readers who don't know what NAPFA is, it is basically a stupid PE test. They make us run 2.4 km, do sit ups and all sorts of other torture. Well, I think I barely scraped a pass in my 2.4 km run but it has pretty much ruined my health for the past few days. I am quite amazed at my willpower, really. Or maybe I am just secretly masochistic. I don't exercise much. I used to do ballet every week but I have stopped my lessons to focus on A Levels and that has caused my fitness level to suffer. This year, I started bleeding, like menstrual blood, every time after I run. This just shows how the Singaporean education system works. They push us so hard. They harp on and on about holistic education but all it means is that now we not only have to get perfect grades but must be perfect leaders, artists and sportsmen. In this system, I may be bleeding inside but I can't show it outside. 7 months of suffering more

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