Saturday 20 April 2013

Lost. Dark. Pain.

In the past few days, my life has been incredibly stressful... mostly because of school work. I come from a rather good school and of course, the pressure and competition there is ridiculous. It has come to a point where I feel that I am stupid and I started having nightmare imaginings of everyone getting straight As and me getting straight Us (which is the lowest fail grade). Rationally looking at my results, I have improved for every subject except math. However, just because of one math paper that I screwed up, I feel that I'm just more stupid than everyone in this world. It has come to the point where I am having panic attacks in class whenever I can't do a question or my friend finishes the question way faster than me. I am trying to look at it rationally and tell myself that I'm not getting stupid but I'm improving but it's hard to bounce back after failing one paper when I am a usual straight A student. Life is stressful. I have a proteonomics presentation on Monday. Haizzzz

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