Saturday 25 May 2013

Phantom of the Opera~~ Whee~~

Lately, many bad things happened in my life. I had another very scary panic attack over dentists a.k.a. dementors because I was tired and contemplating the inevitability of it. Why is it that serial killers can successfully evade the law, as proven in history, but we law abiding citizens, innocent children and scared teenage girls cannot avoid dementors? Life is really cruel, isn't it.

Bad thing number 2: I annoyed one of my friends because she felt I was spending too much time with another friend, a guy who I almost had a crush on. I talked it out with her and settled the problem but it still sucks.

Bad thing number 3: I have so much work but so little time before my block tests in July and I'm really stressed.

But the one GOOD THING is.. I GET TO WATCH PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!! My dad agreed to pay because I did rather well for SAT subject tests. 800 for Biology M and 780 for Math 2. I could have gotten higher for math (sigh, I was hoping for double 800s) but it's good enough :D

Singapore is not exactly Broadway so obviously, there aren't many good plays available all year round and tickets to phantom are expensive and nearly sold out. Nevertheless, I hope I can get a semi decent seat! Gonna go get the tickets on Mon!!! Yay!!!

Phantom here I come~!

Can't wait!!
Can the phantom be even hotter? *squeals*

Her expression... beautiful..

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